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Certification – Overview

The Oncology Data Specialist-Certified (ODS-C) credential, formally Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR)  demonstrates expertise in oncology data management techniques, and knowledge of changes in clinical terminology and medicine as well as registry reporting requirements. 

To learn about the certification process for ODS-C, please visit the NCRA websites at:




A Dynamic Field with a Bright Future- Certified Oncology Data Specialists

"The oncology data specialist profession is critical to the field of cancer and to the nation's public health. National cancer data and statistics all begin from the same source, the oncology data specialist.  The quality and accuracy of the data are only as good the training and dedication of the oncology data specialist abstracting and reporting the data.  This profession has changed cancer research remarkably from the days when the only source of data was from physician notes in medical records. The field of a certified oncology data specialist is a unique yet important component of the growing field of health information technology.  We can expect to see an increased need for certified oncologt data specialists in the future." 



Susan A Chapman, PhD, RN; Vanessa Lindler,MA; Vasey McClory, MPH; Christine Nielsen; and Wendy Dyer, MA (2006).  Frontline Workers in Cancer Data Data Management: Workforce Analysis Study of the Cancer Registry Field. National Cancer Registrars Association Workforce Study. Alexandria, VA:  National Cancer Registrars Associations.